We want you to join the Political Psychology Lunch, the new
online colloquium organized by the German Political Psychology Network.
On a monthly basis, we meet online for an hour during lunchtime (and
yes, those who are not presenting are encouraged to bring and eat their
lunch) to discuss work in progress, develop new ideas and help each
other solve problems.
How does it work?
colloquium takes place from 13:00 – 14:00 on one Friday of each month;
check the website here for future dates and how to sign up. 1 – 2
presentations can take place in a session. The goal is not to present
finished work as we often do at conferences, but rather to show and
discuss your work in progress. Struggling with a particular concept or
measurement issue? Stuck while trying to decide on the right method to
approach an analysis? Developing an idea, but no clue how to go about
collecting data for this particular study? These and many more issues
are perfect for the Political Psychology Lunch.
How to sign
Check the schedule presented below and find an appointment
where there are no or only one presentation(s) planned. Write a short
non-formal email to
Steinmetz and Julia
Reiter stating your your prefered date, name, presentation title,
and an abstract of about 3 sentences. Once you received confirmation,
prepare a short presentation (no more than half the time of your
assigned slot, so enough time remains for discussion) explaining your
project, the current state, and ending with the specific points you
would like to discuss / get help on.
Participants that want to
listen to talks do not need to sign up. The link to the colloquium will
be published here.
Can anyone participate?
Yes! The
primary target group for presentations are PhD students, but the
presentation slots are open to everyone. Likewise, everyone who is
interested in discussing and helping others out is invited to join the
audience – bring your lunch and your cognitive A-game!
Upcoming schedule
2025-01-24, 13:00-14:00
Title: “How
Deepfakes Threaten Democracy”
Presenters: Sarah Buhl, Klara-Maria
2025-02-28, 13:00-14:00
Title: “East German
Identity after Reunification”
Presenters: Ayla Schaub, Emma
2025-03-28, 13:00-14:00
Title: “Liberal
paternalism: Weak-victim narratives facilitate the disempowering
treatment of groups that face disadvantage”
Presenters: Christina
Website maintained by Nils Brandenstein and Cornelia Sindermann.